Matt Martin
Matt grew up with a passion for knives, at 10 he hammered coat hangers into small knives that would fit his G.I. Joe figures. Knives have been a mainstay in his life since then. Matt sold his first knife in 2008 and continued to make them on the side while he worked as a unexploded ordnance (UXO) technician. In 2013, he decided to take up knife making full time. Today, he runs Vehement Knives which features a wide range of hard use fixed blades.

D7 Q&A
What was your first knife?
My infatuation with knives began in the early 80’s when one of my grandfather’s fellow firefighters gifted me a Victorinox Swiss Champ. As anyone could imagine, a young boy in that era could take on the world with nothing more than a Swiss Army Knife. I’ve been well bladed ever since, and I still carry a red Cellidor Explorer every day.
Do you collect anything, or have a hobby that consumes you?
Since knives went from hobby to passion, and ultimately profession, I’ve had to recharge my batteries with less work-related activities. Motorbikes, off-road wheelin’, and shooting sports are my refuge. I’m co-owner of To The Edge, a federally recognized 501(c)(3) charity organization. We typically take 2 weeks a year to travel by motorcycle across the country raising awareness and funds for a charity of our choosing.
If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what is it?
My wife and owner of Skin Bender Leatherworks, Jenna Martin, could easily be lead chef at a Michelin Star restaurant, yet every year I ask for day old spaghetti on my birthday. She literally cooks it the day BEFORE my birthday. I could eat leftover pasta Bolognese every day without ever burning out.
What is your favorite movie?
I’m always apprehensive about hanging “favorite” on any subject matter, but What Dreams May Come is lights-out my favorite film. After that, Raiders Of The Lost Ark, Bladerunner, and The Road Warrior could each vie for second place. But, let’s be honest, if it has Cohen Brothers, Quentin Tarantino, or Guy Ritchie in the opening credits, I probably love it.
What’s the worst movie you have ever seen?
I love film and cinema, like REALLY love it. When I saw Waterboy for the first (and only) time, I took it as an affront to the craft. That flick stole 2 hours from millions of people.
If money is no object, do you build the ultimate overland rig, or a high horsepower pavement monster?
If money was no object, and I had to pick between building the ultimate overland rig, or a stacked hot rod… Well, I’d say that one can take you, your family, and friends ANYWHERE, and the other will always have you wishing you could experience its full potential. Easy choice for me.
Do you carry the same EDC items daily or do you mix it up?